Occupational Studies
The world of work is constantly changing. Today it is uncommon for a person to have only one occupation throughout their working life, so it’s vital that we are able to transfer and adapt our knowledge and skills throughout our careers.
To foster these abilities, Occupational Studies allows learners to learn for work, through work and about work, and it provides the potential for this learning to take place in out-of-school contexts. This hands-on approach is ideal for those who prefer to develop their skills in a more practical, occupational environment.
Occupational Studies is both coherent and flexible and provides a good foundation from which to advance to competence-based post-16 courses.

Occupational Studies 2012/2012
Engineering and Engineering Services
Unit - Manufacturing techniques (Bench fitting)
Teacher - Mr McErlean
Technology and Innovation
Unit - Carpentry and Joinery
Teachers - Mrs Ferrin
Mr Hawthorne
Mr Teggarty
Mr Wylie
Unit - Sound Production
Teacher - Mr Currie
Environment and Society
Unit - Growing Plants (Propagation)
Teachers - Mrs Nelson
Mr Gamble
Unit - Running a Leisure Event
Teacher - Mrs Thompson
Business and Services
Unit - Food Preparation and Cooking (Patisserie)
Teachers - Mrs Livingstone
Mrs Rankin
Food Preparation and Cooking (Patisserie)
The Occupational Studies course is a very practical, hands-on course which upon successful completion provides the learner with a Level 2 qualification.
This course provides learners with some of the basic cooking principles required by chefs in the catering industry.
Students will learn how to work safely and hygienically, applying legislative requirements.
The units covered include:
Kitchen and Larder- preparing hot and cold sandwiches, preparing and cooking vegetables, preparing and cooking basic meat and poultry dishes and to prepare and cook basic soups.
Patisserie- preparing and cooking pastry dishes, prepare, cook and finish cakes and sponges, prepare and cook hot and cold desserts and to prepare and cook biscuits and scones.